Saturday, February 18, 2012

19 Random Facts Tag!

Hey pretty ladies! (: Anyone up for a game? I was tagged by Tess to do the "19 Random Facts Tag" & now I tag all of you! I genuinly love getting to know people, whether it's people I already know, people I've known for a long time, or complete strangers. People are unique & let's be honest... I'm kinda nosy ;) so really I like to know, or perhaps figure out the things no one else knows about you, the things that aren't obvious at first. (In a completely non creepy way of course.) Although I could probably go on for a while, let's start with just 19 random facts about me. We can't get too out of hand now.

  1. I love end of the world/disaster/apocalypse movies! Seriously, I've loved these for as long as I can remember. When I was younger I used to watch Dante's Peak at least once a day for months. Some of my favorites are War Of The Worlds (the remake with Tom Cruise), The Day After Tomorrow,  & The Day The Earth Stood Still.
  2. I'm terrified of lightning! Or maybe I'm terrified of getting hit by lightning. Either way, I just cannot be outside during a storm. Talk about anxiety issues...
  3. I adore giant rings! The bigger the better! I've started quite the collection now a days, including an assortment of animal attire. Something about 'em makes me feel safe... like if I ever need to protect myself & you know, punch someone really hard, I'm covered. :p
  4. I don't vomit. I just don't. I hate it so much, like more than school, more than injury, more than heartbreak, more than anything you can think of, I hate vomit more. I can't decide if it's better for someone to tell me when their stomach hurts or if it's better not to know. Just the thought of it makes me angry & I've sorta trained my body to simply not do it because I will do anything to avoid it, whether it's me or someone else.
  5. At some point in my life I want to live in Maine. I can't really explain the obsession, it's just there. Something about the small town atmosphere & the ocean mixed. The states back East are my favorites. Shoutout!!!
  6. I'm a crazy mac & cheese fan! If I could eat anything for the rest of my life, for every meal, of every day, it'd be mac & cheese. Really.
  7. I did clog dancing for 6 years! If you know what that is, great. If not, think of a mixture of almost every dance, but with the focus on tap & Irish. I started when I was 8 because my mom wanted me to, but from the very first class I was hooked. I met my first real crush at dance class. (:
  8. Disneyland is my favorite place on Earth!!!!! For every birthday, special occasion, future honeymoon, maybe a possible place to live... I always say Disneyland! I used to dance there every year, but have picture proof of going as early as infant status. If you have a problem with The Magic Kingdom, I have a problem with you. Let's be honest here.
  9. I have a dark taste in music. I like to say I believe in fairy tales, happy ever after, Prince Charming, but I guess not in music form. I don't think I have happy music on my iPod, as odd as that sounds. As a person, I believe I'm an extreme realist & the bubbly pop tunes just don't work for me. Right now I'm really into Adele's latest album, Kelly Clarkson's My December & songs like Fix Me by Coldplay.
  10. Tess Christine is my favorite Youtube beauty guru! (Another shoutout?) Love you girl! Don't get the wrong idea about me, I do like guys. But, her videos are the best, she posts quite often, she's gorgeous, beautiful inside & out, & she seems like such a genuinely sweet girl. I have to say she does inspire me as far as Rosie Girl goes. Go subscribe!!
  11. I've always wanted to be a nanny! I love kids & have been babysitting frequently since I was 11. I've had the chance to watch a couple babies grow up & just love the way you become part of the family. <3
  12. Justin Timberlake was my first celebrity crush! Has anyone else noticed his outbreak in acting lately?! I just saw Friends With Benefits & pretty much loved it. He's still a stud. I remember one of my friends growing up had pictures of Nsync completely covering the back of her bedroom door.
  13. I love canoeing! The first time I actually got into a canoe was a couple years ago. It was a "stepping out of my comfort zone" sort of experience but I'm so glad I did!

  1. I am awful at math! Absolutely horrific! It took me like 4 years to learn my mulitplication tables...
  2. I'm a night owl! I hate sleeping... at night. I rarely get 8 hours, but then have to fight to stay awake during downtime parts of the day. I'm the kind of person where if I take a nap, it turns into 3+ hours & I wake up feeling all congested & shtuff.
  3. I hate vegetables! Really all I eat is corn & potatoes, potatoes mostly in chip form, which is awful. Something about the taste makes me gag. I can't even eat them with pasta or rice!
  4. I love bargain shopping. I could shop for hours & hours, but never really buy anything because I hardly do unless I get a deal! I love when you go to those fancy stores like American Eagle & find something for 10 bucks.
  5. I've only ever had crushes on guys with blue or green eyes! I didn't even notice this till like a year ago, but I have always liked boys who have eyes that aren't brown, because mine are brown. Don't get me wrong, brown eyes are nice, (My mom calls them chocolate eyes.) I just like people who are different from me.
  6. I love creative writing! Which is one of the reasons why I blog more than I make videos. I feel like I can be quite the persuasive little girl with a very outspoken voice. I love what it feels like to create a new personality or character for yourself, or to live vicariously through someone completely different from yourself.
Thanks for reading! XO Katie

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