Sunday, October 23, 2011

Nail Of The Day - Crackle Polish

I just finished painting my nails! Though this may not be the traditional "fall look/color" I have to say I'm really liking it! :p This is the Nails Inc. London Special Effect nail polish in Clapham, from Sephora (&9.80+tax) over a basic white I actually found from the dollar store. (3 coats) In case your new to crackle, I do have to say it can be kinda tricky. A lot of girls will attempt to cover the entire nail, over the base coat, but for some reason too much polish will stop the shatter effect. It dosen't matter whether or not the entire nail is covered anyway, considering you can already see the base coat color through the top coat. For slimmer lines, apply a very thin layer. For a chunky look, apply a medium coat, but do not apply the crackle polish twice to the same spot! Understandable? Hope so. XO

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