Monday, December 26, 2011

Song Of The Week!

This has been my "feel good" song the last couple of days. This is my jam! (; "Sparks Fly" - Taylor Swift XO

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Tag: New Years 2011!

1. How did you celebrate last New Years? I didn't. I was going through a rough time. ):
2. What were your resolutions for this past year and did you accomplish them? Um, I feel like I never accomplish my resolutions! Jeesh. We won't even go there..
3. What is your favorite memory from 2011? Any happy day I got was a favorite memory. Cherish those days. This last year was one of my hardest. I'm SO happy to say I feel like it's all turning around for the better. (:
4. What was your biggest accomplishment or the most exciting thing to happen to you in 2011? This last week a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. I'm seeing sunlight & it feels so good. Seriously.
5. What is your favorite film or book from 2011? Easy A! Still makes me laugh everytime I watch it!
6. What was your favorite vacation, trip or place that you visited? The Zoo! I love the Zoo!
7. How did you celebrate your birthday this year? I had a sleepover with my BFF & had dessert with the family!
8. How do you plan to celebrate this New Years? MUCH happier than the beginning of the year! I plan to spend time with new friends or family & do something simple.
9. What are your New Years Resolutions for 2012? Take risks! I've been stuck in my comfort zone for too long. I freakin' need to break free of my past! WOOT WOOT! :D
Tag via thegirlinspired
P.S. I challenge you to use this year for good. Think positive, act kindly, & speak genuinly. Make every day what you want it to be & never hold back. Cherish every moment you spend smiling. Remember those times when you're feeling down. Choose music that uplifts you. Think of those who love you. You're beautiful! XO Katie

My Christmas Tag

1) What are you doing for Christmas this year? Just spending time with family. (: Relaxing! I've had a busy work week.
2) What's your favorite holiday drink? Hot chocolate!
3) What's your favorite Christmas song? "All I Want For Christmas Is You" - Mariah Carey
4) Have you ever made a snowman? Yes! I made one a couple years ago & some mean teenagers came and crushed it. ):
5) What's your favorite holiday fragrance? Gingerbread! Does that count?
6) Are you a Christmas sweater type of person? I'm a sweater person, but not like an ugly Christmas sweater person.
7) Did you ever leave cookies & milk out for Santa? I was raised Jehovah Witness... never believed in Santa. Sad day, right?!
8) What was the best gift Santa ever brought you? Gifts period. We're lucky to get 'em. (:
9) What was the most ridiculous thing you ever asked for from Santa? A boy! haha
10) What's your favorite Christmas movie? Jack Frost!
11) Red or green? Red!
12) Do you have a Christmas tradition? My family always opens one Christmas present on Christmas Eve. Love it! I really want to start a tradition of a new set of comfy pj's every year though..
Tag via Rachel XO Katie

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

It's The Most Wonderful *Tag* of the Year!

1. Favorite Christmas Smell? If we're talking perfume, I love Vanilla's in the winter! Christmas smells? Gingerbread!
2. Show us an embarrassing Christmas photo. I would if I had one. My family's only been celebrating Christmas for a few years & we have like no picture, sadly.. At least not embarassing ones. (;
3. Do You Like To Stay in Your PJs Or Dress Up For Christmas? PJ'S!
4. Where do you usually spend your holiday? Home with family!
5. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? No way!
6. What holiday tradition are you looking forward to most this year? My family always opens up one present on Christmas Eve... Love it!
7. Is your Christmas tree real or fake? Fake! Although, I really do want a real one.
8. Favorite holiday food ? Gingerbread or pumpkin spice!
9. Does your family have a special holiday recipe you like to help make? We don't. ):
10. Are you a pro-present wrapper, or do you fail miserably? FAIL! My friend & I were laughing about how bad we both were the other day!
11. Have You Ever Built a Ginger Bread House? No, but I really, really want to!

Tag Via RachhLoves XO Katie

Monday, December 19, 2011

Tag: This Or That?

1) Coke or Pepsi? Coke all the way! The only time I ever drink Pepsi is with Pizza... & yes I know that's weird. haha
2) Ice cream or frozen yogurt? Ice cream! I feel like frozen yogurt loses it's flavor.
3) Clothes or makeup? Makeup!! Whenever I have makeup on, I feel more confident.. even more so than with clothes.
4) Hairspray or frizz lotion? I'm gonna say frizz lotion only because I don't really like hairspray. I use when needed. Do you like cruncy hair?
5) T.V. or book? Wishing I could say book, but I hardly read. :/
6) Pool or beach? BEACH! I love, love, love the beach!
7) Water or soda? I'm tryin' to say water, but I do drink loads of soda. Something I'm working on..
8) Sandals or boots? Boots!
9) Purse or backpack? Purse!
10) Team Jacob or Team Edward? Team Edward in the books, Team Jacob in the movies! I feel like I can relate to onscreen Jacob more.
11) Wizards of Wavery Place or Hannah Montana? Hannah Montana! I still love Miley Cyrus to this day & was obsessed with her show! I do like Selena Gomez though & watch WOWP occasionally.
12) Mall or online shopping? Mall! I really like both, but I love the environment of a mall, even around Christmas time!
13) Tennis or soccer? I'll only say tennis because I do have this irrational fear of getting kicked in the shin super duper hard because someone missed the ball.
14) Mac or Maybelline? I'm a deal girl so imma say Maybelline! I love their mascaras!
Tag via Blair Fowler (:  ~XO Katie ~

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Falling Whistles Breakdown

Remember my first Falling Whistles post? I'm back again. (:

Rape: To seize & take away by force. Force: Strength or energy exerted by active power.
Congo has been fighting the world’s deadliest war for over 15 years. More lives have been taken in this Civil War than in World War II.
Can we not agree the most fathomless issues within Congo are because of the everyday, informal, mundane demand for power - to be power hungry, in control, one of higher authority over another?
United Nations officials have called Congo the epicenter of rape as a weapon of war. Michael VanRooyen, director of the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative, has defined this conflict as a war against women.
Why is there fighting in the first place? Congo is covered in mines filled with minerals. Communities live near these mines, making it hard to exploit what’s found within them. Sexual violence is used as a weapon to remove the civilians from the mining areas.
Estimates of over 43,000 women alone were raped in the month of October. That’s one daughter, a mother, a grandchild, aunt, niece, or sister about every minute. Over a thousand girls in a single day. Over 500,000 a in a year’s time. Over 12 percent of Congo’s population has been raped at least once in their lifetime. Abuse in the home has risen to over 22 percent. Most violent rapes take place in the countryside, far from law enforcements.
Why are women the highlight of most attacks? Women in Congo are found to be “the heart of the communities.” When the heart leaves, so does the rest of the people, as if a queen ant was to leave an ant hill.
First Commander Sheka ordered his military to attack the bodies of over 387 men & women in a single day, during a mass rape held last year in Walikale. Sheka is the leader of the Congolese rebel group, Mai-Mai Sheka, now running in November or 2011, to represent the city he formerly attacked, even with a warrant for his arrest held over his head. Later that year the military moved through 13 adjacent villages assaulting hundreds of villagers. Anneke Van Woudenberg, senior Africa researcher for Human Rights Watch says “The failure to arrest someone who is out publicly campaigning for votes sends a message that even the most egregious crimes will go unpunished.” Sheka has yet to be imprisoned.
Officials say efforts to prosecute rapists are frustrated by flawed laws that pack prisons with poor young men while real rapists roam free in the countryside. Central prison inmates have no beds or blankets and eat only a few hundred calories a day.
Because rapists are not being punished, civilians are starting to copy the acts of the enemies around them. Too much impunity is taking place.
This all is a plan, a tactic, a message sent to these communities. Many people here no longer have a voice. People who can speak may not know the truth. This is promotional, a message I’m sending to the people in surrounding countries that have the right power, the truth, and a voice which can start a path to stop it all. “When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.” –Jimi Hendrix

Monday, December 12, 2011

Artist of the Week

So I'm going to do a new blog post, called "Artist of the Week" there are SO many great and talents unknown artists out there that I would really like to share with you. I'll even throw in some groups/artists that you've might've heard of. I just love music so much, and would love to show you the world of my music taste:)
My first artist of the week is "Lights". Her actual name is Lights Poxleitner, she is a canadian native who signed to her own personal label "Lights Music". She actually started out with writing music for Sony, and TV series including Instant Star. She later posted her own music on MySpace, and her career took off.
I will be honest, I just started listening to her new album Siberia, she has such a unique voice, I really don't know how to describe it... her voice is very techno, but girly. I really don't know how to describe it, its just unique, I guess you'll just have to listen to it yourself :)


SOTW: Katie

I know I've been a tad off schedule & behind with this series, so I wanted to get this weeks up ASAP. Drake's "Headlines" is sorta an out there choice for me, but I can't stop listening to it! I still can't get over the fact I used to watch him all the time in his wheelchair on Degrassi... The only rap song I've ever memorized is Eminem & Rihanna's "Love The Way You Lie" but this is coming to a close second. You like? XO

MyGlam Bag: December 2011

I am aware the lighting is really bad. I am in no way a professional with expensive technology. (:

Sunday, December 4, 2011


Hi my pretties! (: I have to tell you I really, REALLY, really wanted to film this post, but I have zero alone time! Since we're talking food, I figured I'd just get it out there while I have what I want to talk about & maybe actually show you in a later, more elaborated video. For now, let's get started! I've been "dieting" for almost a week now. I don't really like the word "diet" because a lot of people will put that together with starvation or unhealthy, crazy foods, but I'm trying super hard to just eat healthy, watch my calories, & just change my lifestyle in general. So many people will tell you everything good for your body has no taste.. so NOT true! I've had lots of fun trying new things... so much fun in fact, I wanted to share some with you! I first started with the Slimfast diet, but decided to stray a bit from the foods & keep the basic structure of breakfast & lunch being 300 calories or less, snacks around 150 calories & dinner of around 400 -500 calories. Key is to just stay balanced! So what are some of my food options?
  • Oscar Mayer Lunchables: Deep Dish Pizza with Pepperoni - 480 calories total. Kit includes 1 deep dish pizza, mini Cheese Nips, 2 chewy cookies, & a small bottle of water with a Kool Aid powder mix in.
  • Oscar Mayer Lunchables: Sub Sandwhich in Ham+American with Rice Crispy Treat - 250 calories total.
  • Oscar Mayer Lunchables: Snack Duos in Ham & Cheddar + mini Ritz crackers -150 calories total. (comes with 2 snack packs)
  • Oscar Mayer Deli Sandwhich Combos in Oven Roasted Turkey & Cheddar with Wheat Thins & Jello Mousse Temptations - 390 calories total. WOW! (:
  • Crunch Pak Apple Slices - 70 calories per serving. I found these at Walmart today for $2.88!
  • Slimfast meal bar in Chocolate Cookie Dough. These are so good! 200 calories total. These are higher in calories than most granola bars, but they're a MEAL bar intended to suffice hunger longer... they work!
  • Cliff Kid organic Z Bar's are yummy too. I love Honey Graham at 130 calories.
  • Luna Bar's are a staple item in my diet at 180 calories each. I haven't met a flavor yet that I didn't like!
  • Buddy Fruits organic Pure Fruit Bites in Orange. I found these at Walmart today too at $0.88 a pack, 1 pack=1 serving.
Of course fresh fruit & vegetables is always an option. WATER is a must! I try to exercise at least an hour a day, 30 minutes just walking... you know, getting up & moving. A healthy diet not only reflects on the outside, but helps you feel more confident on the inside too. Plus we all know a longer life span is a prize! (: What are some of your favorite low calorie foods? Leave us a comment below! XO