1. How did you celebrate last New Years? I didn't. I was going through a rough time. ):
2. What were your resolutions for this past year and did you accomplish them? Um, I feel like I never accomplish my resolutions! Jeesh. We won't even go there..
3. What is your favorite memory from 2011? Any happy day I got was a favorite memory. Cherish those days. This last year was one of my hardest. I'm SO happy to say I feel like it's all turning around for the better. (:
4. What was your biggest accomplishment or the most exciting thing to happen to you in 2011? This last week a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. I'm seeing sunlight & it feels so good. Seriously.
5. What is your favorite film or book from 2011? Easy A! Still makes me laugh everytime I watch it!
6. What was your favorite vacation, trip or place that you visited? The Zoo! I love the Zoo!
7. How did you celebrate your birthday this year? I had a sleepover with my BFF & had dessert with the family!
8. How do you plan to celebrate this New Years? MUCH happier than the beginning of the year! I plan to spend time with new friends or family & do something simple.
9. What are your New Years Resolutions for 2012? Take risks! I've been stuck in my comfort zone for too long. I freakin' need to break free of my past! WOOT WOOT! :D
Tag via thegirlinspired
P.S. I challenge you to use this year for good. Think positive, act kindly, & speak genuinly. Make every day what you want it to be & never hold back. Cherish every moment you spend smiling. Remember those times when you're feeling down. Choose music that uplifts you. Think of those who love you. You're beautiful! XO Katie
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