Party in a bag. Party in a bag! Get it? Got it? Good. First things first... Am I supposed to refer to this as the MyGlam Bag or is it also correct to refer to it as my Glam Bag. Why are the words "my" & glam" even squished together in the first place? Here I am, contemplating deep questions. Not. Anywhoo... I certainly hope you know what today's post is about after all that unnecessary shtuff. I feel no need to further explain myself and my slightly psychotic thoughts. Now, what was in the dang bag?
- DermStore Care Package: Pur-lisse Pur-Protect SPF 30 Essential Daily Moisturizer (Meow!) -retails for $55, Murad Eye Lift Perfector -retails for $35, & DermStore $25 gift card - P.S. It's not really a gift card. They just think they're cool. You can only use the $25 if you spend $50. All sample size, one time use only.
- 3Lab Perfect Cleansing Foam - Full size product (3.4oz), retails for $40.
- Keracolor Color Enhancing Leave-In Treatment - "This leave-in treatment is especially designed to enhance, protect, strengthen & hydrate all hair types." Sample size, 2 uses depending on hair, retails for $40. I cannot find a way to purchase this on the website, but I did find it here on sale & through MyGlam, here.
- MyGlam exclusive Classic Crease Brush & Case - It's pink! "Hand-selected by Michelle (founder of MyGlam) from her recent trip to Hong Kong for Cosmoprof Asia, freshen up your spring makeup routine with this MyGlam exclusive classic crease brush & brush case."
- Coupons: 20% off for select products at DermStore & $10 off any Keracolor Color Enhancing Leave-In Treatment
Thanks for reading! XO Katie (:
Disclaimer: This months MyGlam Bag was purchased with my own money. All opinions are my own, as always.