Sunday, March 11, 2012

My Children Will Never Own A Barbie Doll.

I have watched the teachings of society break the spirits of girls around me. Dramatic? Oh well. I refuse to hold this back. Today, these feelings are common: Never perfect, never good enough, never pretty enough, smart enough, brave enough or skinny enough. We listen & we believe we'll simply never be enough, we'll never amount to anything great, and we’ll never succeed or be happy. Every single day we're faced with these lies & delusions we're expected to succumb to. When did things get this bad? Any magazine you read will tell you a size zero is normal, attractive, & healthy. These photo shopped images of women are placed on almost everything we see & we're told to replicate that & become that, as if we're being shaped & molded into robots. Anorexia & bulimia is a trend. Suicide is becoming a normality. We slowly begin to lose the line between reality & fiction until it's gone on for so long we fail to recognize a difference. In this day & age, the truth isn't being shared. Society is a bully. Society is pessimistic, fake, vulgar & defiant. Society is a liar & it has evolved within a fictitious world that shouldn't even dare to try & co-exist with the people in our lives. But most of all, society is ugly. As if it's a toxin, avoid it at all costs. Stop the comparisons. Find what's real, what you believe, what you love - research, examine, & study that truth. You are different for a reason. You were made this way because you're meant to be special, unique, & one of a kind. You are limited edition. Be the best you, you can be & don't let anybody bring you down or tell you differently. You are beautiful. You do deserve happiness & success in life. You do matter & you are loved. Find what makes you happy & chase after that dream with every fiber of your being. You are on this Earth today, with a purpose & you don't have to be bony & blonde to belong. Stay strong lovely. <3 XO Katie

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