Thursday, November 10, 2011


Today's the day where our date is the same. Everything matches up. Why has this particular day, out of all 365 days we've been provided with, the one where we're supposed to make a wish, a goal, think of new dreams. Start fresh? I like to think we all enjoy having something to look forward to, something to work towards and share with others. Is 11-11-11 your day? I believe in Karma. I believe everything happens for a reason, as well as we get in return what we dish out to all the people around us. Don't believe in wishes or good luck? Do you already have goals and dreams your striving to accomplish? Make today a good one. Smile at someone who looks sad. Make your neighbor laugh. Tell your family you love them. We don't have to have every minute of our lives mapped out, but we can take an unexpected second to brighten someone else's. "I have a theory that if every single human being in the world received a hug a day, there would be no more war." -@Natalie Simons via Twitter XO

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