Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Idol of the Week!

Now, a lot of you guys may not like her. But honestly, everybody has a good side and a bad side. A bad day/week & make the wrong choices. But then they get right back up and do good things to help other people. My idol for the week is the stunning Miley Cyrus.

I know when people think of Miley they think of her Hannah Montana days, the bong incident, smoking, being a so-called slut and many other bad things. But what people DON'T realize is that even though she's made some bad choices in her life (just like the rest of us) she still has a good helpful heart. People might say that she's just helping others to get her "goody girl" image back. Well I think wrong, I don't think a person famous or not would help this many people so that they could have a good reputation in the world. Miley's helping others because she WANTS to. She's not being forced to, she honestly WANTS to help people out. She gives back so much by helping people in Haiti, to cancer patients from the "Make a Wish Foundation". She really is a great role model for teenagers who are trying to become a better person. She is honestly my number one role model right now (other than Audrey Hepburn). She's is doing a wonderful job getting her life back on track, and I cannot wait to see what she does next with helping others (and her career for that matter). I'm proud to say that I've been with her from the start, and I bet a lot of people are proud to say the same thing.
Anna .xx

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