Monday, December 26, 2011

Song Of The Week!

This has been my "feel good" song the last couple of days. This is my jam! (; "Sparks Fly" - Taylor Swift XO

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Tag: New Years 2011!

1. How did you celebrate last New Years? I didn't. I was going through a rough time. ):
2. What were your resolutions for this past year and did you accomplish them? Um, I feel like I never accomplish my resolutions! Jeesh. We won't even go there..
3. What is your favorite memory from 2011? Any happy day I got was a favorite memory. Cherish those days. This last year was one of my hardest. I'm SO happy to say I feel like it's all turning around for the better. (:
4. What was your biggest accomplishment or the most exciting thing to happen to you in 2011? This last week a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. I'm seeing sunlight & it feels so good. Seriously.
5. What is your favorite film or book from 2011? Easy A! Still makes me laugh everytime I watch it!
6. What was your favorite vacation, trip or place that you visited? The Zoo! I love the Zoo!
7. How did you celebrate your birthday this year? I had a sleepover with my BFF & had dessert with the family!
8. How do you plan to celebrate this New Years? MUCH happier than the beginning of the year! I plan to spend time with new friends or family & do something simple.
9. What are your New Years Resolutions for 2012? Take risks! I've been stuck in my comfort zone for too long. I freakin' need to break free of my past! WOOT WOOT! :D
Tag via thegirlinspired
P.S. I challenge you to use this year for good. Think positive, act kindly, & speak genuinly. Make every day what you want it to be & never hold back. Cherish every moment you spend smiling. Remember those times when you're feeling down. Choose music that uplifts you. Think of those who love you. You're beautiful! XO Katie

My Christmas Tag

1) What are you doing for Christmas this year? Just spending time with family. (: Relaxing! I've had a busy work week.
2) What's your favorite holiday drink? Hot chocolate!
3) What's your favorite Christmas song? "All I Want For Christmas Is You" - Mariah Carey
4) Have you ever made a snowman? Yes! I made one a couple years ago & some mean teenagers came and crushed it. ):
5) What's your favorite holiday fragrance? Gingerbread! Does that count?
6) Are you a Christmas sweater type of person? I'm a sweater person, but not like an ugly Christmas sweater person.
7) Did you ever leave cookies & milk out for Santa? I was raised Jehovah Witness... never believed in Santa. Sad day, right?!
8) What was the best gift Santa ever brought you? Gifts period. We're lucky to get 'em. (:
9) What was the most ridiculous thing you ever asked for from Santa? A boy! haha
10) What's your favorite Christmas movie? Jack Frost!
11) Red or green? Red!
12) Do you have a Christmas tradition? My family always opens one Christmas present on Christmas Eve. Love it! I really want to start a tradition of a new set of comfy pj's every year though..
Tag via Rachel XO Katie

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

It's The Most Wonderful *Tag* of the Year!

1. Favorite Christmas Smell? If we're talking perfume, I love Vanilla's in the winter! Christmas smells? Gingerbread!
2. Show us an embarrassing Christmas photo. I would if I had one. My family's only been celebrating Christmas for a few years & we have like no picture, sadly.. At least not embarassing ones. (;
3. Do You Like To Stay in Your PJs Or Dress Up For Christmas? PJ'S!
4. Where do you usually spend your holiday? Home with family!
5. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? No way!
6. What holiday tradition are you looking forward to most this year? My family always opens up one present on Christmas Eve... Love it!
7. Is your Christmas tree real or fake? Fake! Although, I really do want a real one.
8. Favorite holiday food ? Gingerbread or pumpkin spice!
9. Does your family have a special holiday recipe you like to help make? We don't. ):
10. Are you a pro-present wrapper, or do you fail miserably? FAIL! My friend & I were laughing about how bad we both were the other day!
11. Have You Ever Built a Ginger Bread House? No, but I really, really want to!

Tag Via RachhLoves XO Katie

Monday, December 19, 2011

Tag: This Or That?

1) Coke or Pepsi? Coke all the way! The only time I ever drink Pepsi is with Pizza... & yes I know that's weird. haha
2) Ice cream or frozen yogurt? Ice cream! I feel like frozen yogurt loses it's flavor.
3) Clothes or makeup? Makeup!! Whenever I have makeup on, I feel more confident.. even more so than with clothes.
4) Hairspray or frizz lotion? I'm gonna say frizz lotion only because I don't really like hairspray. I use when needed. Do you like cruncy hair?
5) T.V. or book? Wishing I could say book, but I hardly read. :/
6) Pool or beach? BEACH! I love, love, love the beach!
7) Water or soda? I'm tryin' to say water, but I do drink loads of soda. Something I'm working on..
8) Sandals or boots? Boots!
9) Purse or backpack? Purse!
10) Team Jacob or Team Edward? Team Edward in the books, Team Jacob in the movies! I feel like I can relate to onscreen Jacob more.
11) Wizards of Wavery Place or Hannah Montana? Hannah Montana! I still love Miley Cyrus to this day & was obsessed with her show! I do like Selena Gomez though & watch WOWP occasionally.
12) Mall or online shopping? Mall! I really like both, but I love the environment of a mall, even around Christmas time!
13) Tennis or soccer? I'll only say tennis because I do have this irrational fear of getting kicked in the shin super duper hard because someone missed the ball.
14) Mac or Maybelline? I'm a deal girl so imma say Maybelline! I love their mascaras!
Tag via Blair Fowler (:  ~XO Katie ~

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Falling Whistles Breakdown

Remember my first Falling Whistles post? I'm back again. (:

Rape: To seize & take away by force. Force: Strength or energy exerted by active power.
Congo has been fighting the world’s deadliest war for over 15 years. More lives have been taken in this Civil War than in World War II.
Can we not agree the most fathomless issues within Congo are because of the everyday, informal, mundane demand for power - to be power hungry, in control, one of higher authority over another?
United Nations officials have called Congo the epicenter of rape as a weapon of war. Michael VanRooyen, director of the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative, has defined this conflict as a war against women.
Why is there fighting in the first place? Congo is covered in mines filled with minerals. Communities live near these mines, making it hard to exploit what’s found within them. Sexual violence is used as a weapon to remove the civilians from the mining areas.
Estimates of over 43,000 women alone were raped in the month of October. That’s one daughter, a mother, a grandchild, aunt, niece, or sister about every minute. Over a thousand girls in a single day. Over 500,000 a in a year’s time. Over 12 percent of Congo’s population has been raped at least once in their lifetime. Abuse in the home has risen to over 22 percent. Most violent rapes take place in the countryside, far from law enforcements.
Why are women the highlight of most attacks? Women in Congo are found to be “the heart of the communities.” When the heart leaves, so does the rest of the people, as if a queen ant was to leave an ant hill.
First Commander Sheka ordered his military to attack the bodies of over 387 men & women in a single day, during a mass rape held last year in Walikale. Sheka is the leader of the Congolese rebel group, Mai-Mai Sheka, now running in November or 2011, to represent the city he formerly attacked, even with a warrant for his arrest held over his head. Later that year the military moved through 13 adjacent villages assaulting hundreds of villagers. Anneke Van Woudenberg, senior Africa researcher for Human Rights Watch says “The failure to arrest someone who is out publicly campaigning for votes sends a message that even the most egregious crimes will go unpunished.” Sheka has yet to be imprisoned.
Officials say efforts to prosecute rapists are frustrated by flawed laws that pack prisons with poor young men while real rapists roam free in the countryside. Central prison inmates have no beds or blankets and eat only a few hundred calories a day.
Because rapists are not being punished, civilians are starting to copy the acts of the enemies around them. Too much impunity is taking place.
This all is a plan, a tactic, a message sent to these communities. Many people here no longer have a voice. People who can speak may not know the truth. This is promotional, a message I’m sending to the people in surrounding countries that have the right power, the truth, and a voice which can start a path to stop it all. “When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.” –Jimi Hendrix

Monday, December 12, 2011

Artist of the Week

So I'm going to do a new blog post, called "Artist of the Week" there are SO many great and talents unknown artists out there that I would really like to share with you. I'll even throw in some groups/artists that you've might've heard of. I just love music so much, and would love to show you the world of my music taste:)
My first artist of the week is "Lights". Her actual name is Lights Poxleitner, she is a canadian native who signed to her own personal label "Lights Music". She actually started out with writing music for Sony, and TV series including Instant Star. She later posted her own music on MySpace, and her career took off.
I will be honest, I just started listening to her new album Siberia, she has such a unique voice, I really don't know how to describe it... her voice is very techno, but girly. I really don't know how to describe it, its just unique, I guess you'll just have to listen to it yourself :)


SOTW: Katie

I know I've been a tad off schedule & behind with this series, so I wanted to get this weeks up ASAP. Drake's "Headlines" is sorta an out there choice for me, but I can't stop listening to it! I still can't get over the fact I used to watch him all the time in his wheelchair on Degrassi... The only rap song I've ever memorized is Eminem & Rihanna's "Love The Way You Lie" but this is coming to a close second. You like? XO

MyGlam Bag: December 2011

I am aware the lighting is really bad. I am in no way a professional with expensive technology. (:

Sunday, December 4, 2011


Hi my pretties! (: I have to tell you I really, REALLY, really wanted to film this post, but I have zero alone time! Since we're talking food, I figured I'd just get it out there while I have what I want to talk about & maybe actually show you in a later, more elaborated video. For now, let's get started! I've been "dieting" for almost a week now. I don't really like the word "diet" because a lot of people will put that together with starvation or unhealthy, crazy foods, but I'm trying super hard to just eat healthy, watch my calories, & just change my lifestyle in general. So many people will tell you everything good for your body has no taste.. so NOT true! I've had lots of fun trying new things... so much fun in fact, I wanted to share some with you! I first started with the Slimfast diet, but decided to stray a bit from the foods & keep the basic structure of breakfast & lunch being 300 calories or less, snacks around 150 calories & dinner of around 400 -500 calories. Key is to just stay balanced! So what are some of my food options?
  • Oscar Mayer Lunchables: Deep Dish Pizza with Pepperoni - 480 calories total. Kit includes 1 deep dish pizza, mini Cheese Nips, 2 chewy cookies, & a small bottle of water with a Kool Aid powder mix in.
  • Oscar Mayer Lunchables: Sub Sandwhich in Ham+American with Rice Crispy Treat - 250 calories total.
  • Oscar Mayer Lunchables: Snack Duos in Ham & Cheddar + mini Ritz crackers -150 calories total. (comes with 2 snack packs)
  • Oscar Mayer Deli Sandwhich Combos in Oven Roasted Turkey & Cheddar with Wheat Thins & Jello Mousse Temptations - 390 calories total. WOW! (:
  • Crunch Pak Apple Slices - 70 calories per serving. I found these at Walmart today for $2.88!
  • Slimfast meal bar in Chocolate Cookie Dough. These are so good! 200 calories total. These are higher in calories than most granola bars, but they're a MEAL bar intended to suffice hunger longer... they work!
  • Cliff Kid organic Z Bar's are yummy too. I love Honey Graham at 130 calories.
  • Luna Bar's are a staple item in my diet at 180 calories each. I haven't met a flavor yet that I didn't like!
  • Buddy Fruits organic Pure Fruit Bites in Orange. I found these at Walmart today too at $0.88 a pack, 1 pack=1 serving.
Of course fresh fruit & vegetables is always an option. WATER is a must! I try to exercise at least an hour a day, 30 minutes just walking... you know, getting up & moving. A healthy diet not only reflects on the outside, but helps you feel more confident on the inside too. Plus we all know a longer life span is a prize! (: What are some of your favorite low calorie foods? Leave us a comment below! XO

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Top 10 Youtube Beauty Gurus

I spend a lot, a lot of time on the Youtube world seeking out advice, ideas, tutorials, for the full time, hard work, yet extremely fun beauty world. (Wow that was a lot of commas in one sentence.) These girls are the ones I find to be the best of the best:
Note: Listed in no particular order. Links available when clicked on username.
  1. Amarixe
  2. MacBarbie07
  3. AshleysBeautyCorner
  4. CityAndMakeup
  5. MissGlamorazzi
  6. QueenBeeuty
  7. GlassSlipperBeauty
  8. JuicyStar07
  9. TessChristine123
  10. MeganHeartsMakeup
Who are your favorites? List 'em in the comments below! (: XO kt

Friday, November 25, 2011

That's what's up.

Trends change. A lot. I'm more of the kind of girl who's the last to jump on the bandwagon, but I have a definite opinion on what's in & what's out for me. Here I am listing the top 5 things of the moment I'm into & the top 5 things I could live without. XO

The "it's cool with me" club:
  1. Feather earrings! OMG I'm addicted. I find normal dangly earrings to be super heavy & pull on your ears, giving me headaches, but with feathers the problem's solved. Tada! (; FYI: Target has an entire wall of these fancy babies.
  2. TOMS Shoes. Forget Bob's! Working with Falling Whistles, the founder is friends with the creater of TOMS... woot woot! I feel like Sketchers needs to get a bit more creative. These buds of mine are sooooooo comfy, whether or not you think they're still in style! A pair of each design please!
  3. Pretty legwear... meaning tights, stockings, whatever you want to call them. It's cold here in Utah, but I'm a comfy clothes kinda girl. That said, I still want to look cute! I feel like the tights under shorts look is either something you love or hate, me love, but wearing 'em under your boots is something simple I see everywhere!
  4. Vanilla scents! Yummy! (: It's been proven most boys are attracted to the scent of hooies... covincing enough? I love warm scents during the colder months, so anything mixed with Vanilla I'm sure to like.
  5. Sweaters! Simplest, comfiest, prettiest winter outfit ever: Oversized sweater, scarf, tights, & boots. YAYA!
Please leave my world now list:
  1. Acyrlic nails. Ick. I recently just got some & took them off. My nails are destroyed! I've seen so many fancy sparkles & colors with designs & it's such a temptation, but it's so darn expensive to get & keep up with! It's just starting to feel like you're trying to hard,
  2. Moto jackets. One word: uncomfortable! Some girls can balance the hard core look with a flair of something girly, but most just try to look to tough, making it seem like a rockstar who just walked off stage. It looks odd. Think of a runway outfit... Would you wear THAT to the grocery store?!
  3. Crazy mix-matched prints. K, I was always taught it's ok to mix prints in small portions, not to mix one thing with something the extreme through every part of your clothing. It looks crazy! Lately, Seventeen Magazine's been famous for this thus ending with "I'm never gonna wear that."
  4. Pixie hair cuts. These have gotten popular... Vanessa Hudgens, Emma Watson. I had one of these when I was 5, not by choice. I don't see how it's flattering. I always thought girls should have more hair on their heads then their boyfriend. Am I right? :$
  5. Stars on your face. Really? I see this all the time on the runway & I feel like the fashion world just may be taking too many steps back towards their childhood. Keep the glitter on your clothes ladies.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Idol of the Week!

Now, a lot of you guys may not like her. But honestly, everybody has a good side and a bad side. A bad day/week & make the wrong choices. But then they get right back up and do good things to help other people. My idol for the week is the stunning Miley Cyrus.

I know when people think of Miley they think of her Hannah Montana days, the bong incident, smoking, being a so-called slut and many other bad things. But what people DON'T realize is that even though she's made some bad choices in her life (just like the rest of us) she still has a good helpful heart. People might say that she's just helping others to get her "goody girl" image back. Well I think wrong, I don't think a person famous or not would help this many people so that they could have a good reputation in the world. Miley's helping others because she WANTS to. She's not being forced to, she honestly WANTS to help people out. She gives back so much by helping people in Haiti, to cancer patients from the "Make a Wish Foundation". She really is a great role model for teenagers who are trying to become a better person. She is honestly my number one role model right now (other than Audrey Hepburn). She's is doing a wonderful job getting her life back on track, and I cannot wait to see what she does next with helping others (and her career for that matter). I'm proud to say that I've been with her from the start, and I bet a lot of people are proud to say the same thing.
Anna .xx

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

SOTW: Katie

Ryan Tedder is my homie. (: Christmas music? Not so much. I enjoy the occasional, classic caroling, but I kinda feel like I'm being punched by a cheerleader when that's all I listen to. OneRepublic knows how I roll with their brand new heartbreak style Christmas song: "Christmas Without You." I wish I could tell you I can't relate, I just like the song, but that would be a lie. Now I know I'm not the only one who likes this, so get your listening ears ready!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Song of the Week (By Anna) :D

I think every girl can relate to this song.
Katy Perry: The One That Got Away (Live at the AMA's)
I love this performance, its so raw and real. Plus, she plays guitar...which is kick ass. Plus she also gets to receive her very special award after :)
P.S you have to turn the sound up on the video (:

Anna Banana .xx

Winter Skincare Tips

 Being as keen & obsessive with your skin as I am, you've most likely noticed you have to adjust to a new skin care routine during cold winter months. That's normal! As I've mentioned before, my skin is very acne prone & sensitive. So, what do I do to take care of my skin?
Always wash your face! Not only are you clearing out your pores, but you're creating an awesome base for your makeup. I normally have oily skin but in the winter I dry up... as most of us do! I like to use Neutrogena's Oil-Free Acne Wash cream cleanser in Pink Grapefruit. A cream cleanser will not strip your skin of the oils it does need & will help to keep your face moisturized.
Use a toner! Toner will close your pores helping to keep all the good stuff of your cleanser in your skin. Cold water is a great example but I'm addicted to Mark. cosmetics Mist Oppurtunity Multi-Tasking Refresher. I don't use a ton of product on my skin during cold months for the sake of keeping my skin soft & smooth. No one likes flakes on your face!This toner's great because it works as an extra cleanser & can even set your makeup when spritzed on after application!
Always, always, always moisturize! I don't like using a lot of matte products when my skin is drier because I want a fresh dewy look. I like to use Dermalogica's Clean Start Welcome Matte spf15 to help balance my naturally oily skin without completely getting rid of everything shiny. Dewy, glowy skin is extremely important these later months in order to look fresh!
Use a more natural everyday foundation. Neutrogena's Healthy Skin is a favorite of mine. If you're still experiencing excess oil several hours after you've done your makeup for the day, try using a teensy bit of mineral foundation like Mineral Wear's loose powder to conceal. Lightly pat powder on. Do not buff powder into your skin using circular motions.
If you're experiencing flaky skin exfoliate twice a week. (: XO
Have more questions? Ask them below in a comment, or send them to us on our formspring!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Song Of The Week: Katie

I love, love, love Ryan Tedder so yes, you can say this song made my day. Bought it on iTunes 30 seconds into my first play & have been listening to it on replay since. THIS is exactly what I've been needing. "The Fighter" by Gym Class Heroes ft Ryan Tedder

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Today's the day where our date is the same. Everything matches up. Why has this particular day, out of all 365 days we've been provided with, the one where we're supposed to make a wish, a goal, think of new dreams. Start fresh? I like to think we all enjoy having something to look forward to, something to work towards and share with others. Is 11-11-11 your day? I believe in Karma. I believe everything happens for a reason, as well as we get in return what we dish out to all the people around us. Don't believe in wishes or good luck? Do you already have goals and dreams your striving to accomplish? Make today a good one. Smile at someone who looks sad. Make your neighbor laugh. Tell your family you love them. We don't have to have every minute of our lives mapped out, but we can take an unexpected second to brighten someone else's. "I have a theory that if every single human being in the world received a hug a day, there would be no more war." -@Natalie Simons via Twitter XO

Sunday, November 6, 2011

New Singing Video!

Heyy guys! It's Anna... sooo recently I did a cover of "Fix You" by Coldplay. I've always loved this song (and Coldplay for that matter) & was bored one day so I decided to sing it for youtube. hahha that probably sounds weird... but I was wondering if you guys could watch it & give me some feedback? It would be MUCH appreciated :D

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Song of the Week (By Anna) :)

I'm actually listening to this song right now. It's so gorgeous and really shows off her range. I LOVE IT SO MUCH. and it's also something that I think everyone can relate to. Maybe not now, but sooner or later everyone gets their hearts broken...even if you've never had a boyfriend before (like me) I've gotten my heart broken many times. Its suck ass, but you just have to stand back up and know that someone (hopefully) was meant to be with you forever. :)
-Anna .x

Idol of the Week!

Sorry guys! I've been super busy with school and SAT prep. My bad for not posing IOTW for the past 2 weeks.... :| But this lady that I look up too is probably quite busy herself :D

A lot of you might not know this girl... but let me introduce her to you. My idol of the week is Ariana Grande, aka Cat from Victorious.
annnd I have a little secret, I actually know Ariana. She went to one of my acting camps a couple of summers ago in Arizona. But, she had brown hair, not her gorgeous red velvet cupcake hair that she has now:) I didn't really get to know Ariana that much, but when we did talk she was so sweet, she always had a smile on her face, and she'd always know how to make someone laugh :D. I don't know Ariana right now, but she still seems like that sweet, innocent girl that we all love. She's gorgeous, but doesn't flaunt it, she has this brilliant voice and acting abilities for that matter. I hope she goes further that Victorious. :) She recently got a singing contract with Universal (correct me if I'm wrong). But she is a role model for all ages, even adult figures. This girl is truly beautiful inside and out :)

Also check out her cover videos... here are some of my favorite! :)
- Anna .x

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Sevenly Tees

If you're anything like me, you have a hard time choosing between charities to focus on/dedicate your self too &/or you just want to help everyone... is for you! Are you excited? Cause I'm super excited I was introduced to this company & decided to just post this video from the pretty lady that told me about it all. XO

October Favorites

Hello pretty ladies! (: This last month has been a fun one for new & all time favorite products. I really do love all the "favorites" videos & blogs, so of couse thought I'd join in on the mix! As a heads up, I do buy mostly drugstore products. I'm definitly a girl for good deals, but will splurge on the occasional fun stuff. Hopefully this will make it all a little more entertaining for ya'll who can relate. Enjoy & happy November! XO Katie

1.) Bath & Body Works' Warm Harvest Apple in lotion & body mist. I do believe this scent is a part of their limited edititon Fall collection. It really does smell like apple, so much so I want to eat it! But it has a hint of vanilla to match the rest of the Fall smelly goods.
2.) Formula 10.0.6's So Totally Clean Deep Pore Cleanser Original Formula from Ulta. I've gone through about half the bottle this month, using it morning & night. This is an astrigent formula but has really good exfoliating ingredients that aren't too harsh to use daily. I wouldn't recomend using this when you're skin is already dry, because it does have Salicylic Acid among other sometimes drying chemicals for acne prone skin. I like to throw a little bit of this on after I've washed my face, around the time of my period, to add an extra boost. Know this cleanser does come in a Sensitive Formula.
3.) Neutrogena's Oil-Free Pink Grapefruit Acne Wash Cream Cleanser. (contains 2% Salicylic Acid) I actually purchased this a while ago when it first came out & just now started using it because it really is a nice, thick, creamy wash, good for dry skin during cold months. I find it hasn't dried my skin at all & seriously cleans deep, killing breakouts. Plus, it washes away makeup! I love the smell. :p
4.) Dermalogica's Clean Start Bedtime For Breakouts. "Clear skin while you sleep." That's exactly what I do! This serum is strong, but not drying, creating really, really good results. My dermatologist recomended this to me a while back & I've been using it ever since. I purchase this for $18 from Ulta, but I promise you it's worth the price & the bottle should last you about 2 months. A small amount (less than dime size) goes a long way!
5.) Mark. cosmetics' Mist Oppurtunity Multi-Tasking Refresher. You've heard me talk about this before & you'll hear it again... I'm literally obsessed! I use this as a toner, a really quick/extra boost cleaner & to set my makeup. I've used this every day for over a month & still have more than half a bottle! Super inexpensive, must buy.
6.) Avon's Moisture Effective Hydra Efficace eye makeup remover lotion. This thing cuts through makeup quick! It's only $4! What more can I say?! I use this every night to get rid of mascara & excess foundation, before I wash my face.
7.) Mark. cosmetics' Scanda-Lash Hookup Mascara. I love this stuff! Favorite. Mascara. So far. I really do use this every day... Dosen't clump, covers, volumizes. Only downside? (and it's really a small one) It does only come as a Mark. Hookup, meaning it's about half the size of a normal mascara for the same price as a normal size drugstore product ): but seriously girls, it's worth the price.
8.) Hard Candy's Glamoflauge Heavy Duty Concealer. You must know: the tiniest bit of the stuff goes a super long way. I use this as an eyeshadow primer & to cover dark circles under my eyes. This creates a bit of a mask over your skin, so use wisely!
9.) L.A. Colors Mineral Eyeshadow in Black. I got this from The Dollar Store! Very pigmented. I've been using it with a concealer brush to line my water line.
10.) NYX eyshadow in Champagne. Now when I think of the color champagne, I think of pearly colors, probably because of Covergirl's Champagne eyeshadow, but this is a light brown, toasted marshmallow color great for everyday eye's! I feel you get a good amount of shadow for $5 & it is high quality powder. Really soft.
This is a long list! Hoping I'm keeping you somewhat intriqued... I am introducing you to my all time favorites, plus new products I've started using this month, so November's will be shorter. (:
11.) Physicians Formula's Talc-Free Mineral Wear Mineral Loose Powder foundation in Creamy Natural. I swear to you it's my equivalent to Bare Minerals. Love this brand. This stuff is a bit pricy at $12 dollars a bottle, but should last you over 2 months & dosen't cause any breakouts. Seriously! I buy this every time, not willing to switch.
12.) Physicians Formula's Happy Booster Glow & Mood Boosting Blush in Natural. Perfect blush for everyday looks. Smells good! Packaging is beyond adorable...
13.) Maybelline's Dream Matte Mousse foundation. I call it my "marshmallow fluff!" This is for oily skin, but they do offer ones also part of the Dream Mousse foundation for dry & normal skin. I love that this stuff is fluffy, because it dosen't clog your pores, but covers well. I use this with my Sonia Kashuk stippling brush (also a favorite - Sonia Kashuk Synthetic Flat Top multipurpose brush $15) for an airbrush finish. Know this will leave a slight residue if left on overnight.
14.) Garnier Fructis Sleek & Shine Flat Iron Proctector Straightening Mist with Argan Oil. Wow that's a long name... Anyhoo, this is new to the Garnier family & I love it! I really feel like that this helps straighten your hair as well as keep it straight. I like the smell & the fact it is a hair protectant too. More bang for your buck!
15.) Tresemme's All Day Humidity Resistance Tres Two Spray in Extra Hold 4. I bought a 14.6 OZ. bottle at Walmart for $5! A lot of beauty gurus mention this & I also reccomend it.
16.) Bausch & Lomb's Bio True contact cleaner. Random, I know, but I can't use anything else now that I've tried this! Try it & you'll know what I mean. I love that my eyes no longer burn when I put my contacts back in in the morning.
Ok, I think I've tortured (?) you enough for one blog post. I know this was a lot, but really, thanks to those who read it. I purchased all of these products with my own money. I have not nor am not being paid to share my opinion with you.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Monday Questionnaire: Happy Halloween!

1.) Mood:
Exhausted! Worked till was crazy busy!! Have you ever tried to put away over 200 shopping carts?
2.) When was the last time you carved a pumpkin?
Last year! I carved a wolf face & have to admit I was way proud of my work, considering that was the first time I've ever carved a pumpkin!

Ignore my crazy hair :p

3.) What is your favorite Halloween candy?
Reese's Peanut Butter Cups!
4.) What is your favorite Halloween memory?
I remember I had a really bad cold last year (oddly enough I'm getting one now, as well) but I had so much candy & couldn't taste any of it! I was rubbing Vicks Vapor Rub all over my upper lip & by the end of the night, that's all I could taste! Not sure why I find that so entertaining... but I don't have a whole bunch of Halloween memories to begin with. This year was way fun though. (:
5.) Do you believe in ghosts/spirits?
YES! There's really no way I can explain it... nuff said.
6.) Were you allowed to dress up at school for Halloween as a kid?Yeah! We had a parade & would wander around in a line gathering candy & showin' off our costumes.
7.) Did you trick-or-treat as a kid? At what age did you stop?
I did a few times, but was never super big on it. I stopped around age 15.
8.) What is your favorite Halloween movie?
I really cannot get enough of Disney's "Halloweentown" movies! I watch them every year!
9.) Did you dress up for Halloween this year? If so, as what?
I work at a grocery store... I pasted different cereal logos all over all black clothes, added fake blood & was a "cereal killer!"
10.) Weekly goals:
Keep up with school work! Keep up with blog! I feel like I need to stop letting myself nap when I get home from work because I just end up wasting time & am still tired the rest of the night. I gots work to do! XO Katie

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Song Of The Week!

This past week I went and saw "Footloose" with my mama. It was SOOOO good! :p There's one song in particular, from the soundtrack, that I just cannot get enough of - " Ella Mae Bowen: "Holdin' Out For A Hero" Her voice is way unique. Vintage sounding? Maybe that just sounds like I'm saying she's old... Anywhoo, enjoy!

You know, if you wanted to ask us a particular beauty question, we wouldn't stop you (;

Monday Questionnaire: 10.24.2011

One of my favorite "beauty bloggers" Amarixe has been keeping up with a Monday Questionnaire. I've been having fun reading through what she has to say, as well as the comments from others, so I figured I'd give it a try as well. Hit or miss?

1.) Mood:
Tired. I feel like I've been doing psychology homework all day.
2.) When making a sandwich, do you care if one of the bread slices is the end of the loaf?
Yes! Who wants a crusty sandwhich?!
3.) What is the weather like today?
Cloudy. Cold front comin' in. I'm lookin' forward to some appropriate, spooky Halloween weather!
4.) Current nail polish:
Nails Inc. London Special Effects in Clapham over basic white polish from the dollar store. I am really liking the brighter look! ( NOTD Blog: http://rosiegirlbeauty.blogspo... )
5.) What ring setting do you keep your cell phone on at night: loud or silent? (Or the phone completely off?)
Loud! I've always been a tad paranoid about someone needing me during an emergency in the middle of the night, so I gotta be prepared. I've never gotten one of those calls however...
6.) Current outfit:
Purple camo pajama bottoms with a super soft grey sweatshirt from Aerie.
7.) What is your favorite Disney movie?
If we're sticking with the classics, my favorite Disney princess is Ariel! I have this thing about water... I have an addiction to Monsters Inc. though. BOO!
8.) Can you whistle using your fingers?
No siree.
9.) When doing laundry, do you separate loads (lights/darks, delicates, etc.) or throw everything together?
I only seperate my lights/whites from my darks. I'm not too picky, mostly because I just want to get it done. I don't have expensive designer clothes anyway.
10.) Weekly goals:
Keep up with school work, study for my drivers test (I'm wayyy behind.) and prepare for Halloween!

Copy and paste the list to answer in a comment below!
1.) Mood:
2.) When making a sandwich, do you care if one of the bread slices is the end of the loaf?
3.) What is the weather like today?
4.) Current nail polish:
5.) What ring setting do you keep your cell phone on at night: loud or silent? (Or the phone completely off?)
6.) Current outfit:
7.) What is your favorite Disney movie?
8.) Can you whistle using your fingers?
9.) When doing laundry, do you separate loads (lights/darks, delicates, etc.) or throw everything together?
10.) Weekly goals:

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Nail Of The Day - Crackle Polish

I just finished painting my nails! Though this may not be the traditional "fall look/color" I have to say I'm really liking it! :p This is the Nails Inc. London Special Effect nail polish in Clapham, from Sephora (&9.80+tax) over a basic white I actually found from the dollar store. (3 coats) In case your new to crackle, I do have to say it can be kinda tricky. A lot of girls will attempt to cover the entire nail, over the base coat, but for some reason too much polish will stop the shatter effect. It dosen't matter whether or not the entire nail is covered anyway, considering you can already see the base coat color through the top coat. For slimmer lines, apply a very thin layer. For a chunky look, apply a medium coat, but do not apply the crackle polish twice to the same spot! Understandable? Hope so. XO

Saturday, October 22, 2011

"To all you girls that think you're fat because your not a size 0, you're the beautiful one. It's society who's ugly." - Marilyn Monroe.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Halloween Tag 2011

A random tag full of Halloween questions as started by Amarixe (: Boo!
1.) What is your favorite Halloween movie?
This may sound so kidish, but I love the Halloween Town movies that play on Disney Channel! Favorite scary movie? Orphan!
2.) At what age did you stop trick-or-treating?
14 (: Some people here in Utah actually get mad at teenagers who trick-or-treat!
3.) What is your favorite Halloween costume that you've worn?
My mama made me this fancy pirate costume with sparkly red skulls. Arg! But this year I was wayyyyy excited to find a "This is my Halloween T-shirt." at Target!
4.) What are you going to be for Halloween this year?
I'm just gonna wear my new shirt from Target, black pants & shoes with crazy hair & makeup! Maybe a little "mad scientist" goin' on? Fun frizz.
5.) Do you like going to haunted attractions?
NO! I am scared so easily. I practically hypervenilated at the end of Paranormal Activity!
6.) Vampires or werewolves?
This is a hard one. Edward VS. Jacob? See in the books I'm all for Team Edward, but he just bugs me in the movies. I'm not feelin' the whole Taylor Lautner craze either... Hmm... Maybe it's all just too overdone & old.
7.) What is your favorite Halloween candy?
Candy corn! I love the ones shaped like pumpkins. I remember sneakin' a whole bag into Disneyland once,,.
8.) Do you decorate your house for Halloween?
No, but I wish we did. If I didn't have work but I'd be chillin' at home with a stack of scary movies. You've gotta have some tradition, right? I want spider webs on my windows!
9.) What is the least favorite costume you've worn?
Last year I was very "anti trick-or-treat" so I didn't dress up at all. I just carried a Victoria's Secret bag around with me to collect candy while I followed my friends. Everyone thought I was a shoplifter.
10.) Have you ever repeated a costume and what was it?
Never have, never will!
11.) Do you believe in ghosts?
YES! Have you seen Paranormal Activity?! K so that's demons, but whatever.
12.) What is your scariest Halloween experience?
2 years ago it was super rainy with a whole lot of thunder & lightening. I'm terrified of thunder storms, so wandering around in it at night freaked me out quite a bit. Plus I spent the night with a friend who couldn't stop talking about freakin' "Bloody Mary!" GOOSEBUMPS! XO

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

SOTW - Christina Perri: "Distance"

While at Sephora today... Yeah, I spend random hours of my week lost in cosmetics, because I'm cool like that...I saw a Kat Von D makeup collection. By the way, it's amazing. Anyhoo, Kat Von D has tattoos (duh) & so does Christina Perri so I guess my weird mind connected the two & I couldn't stop thinking about my favorite song of hers, "Distance" AKA this week's Song Of The Week. Enjoy. (: XO

Big Post - Charity Of Choice: Katie

What's new ladies? :p If you've noticed the banner at top of this page, (Are you looking?) you've seen part of Rosie Girl is supposed to focus on charity. Charity of choice! I've been talking with Falling Whistles' Brittany, back & forth for a while now, sporting my whistle & getting to know the family behind the name. I'm impressed. This video: literally left me speechless. I'm a writer so you know I have a lot to say. Here's some featured work I've done for promotions:

Call it love. Call it anything you want but don’t give up. I have a voice, you have a voice, we all equally deserve a voice, but sadly this isn’t the truth for so many people, both men and women in Congo, today and we have to fight because they can’t.

I ask you to picture yourself without your family, a home, food, water, friends, choices. You’ve been held hostage, captured and now you don’t get to make any further decisions about your very own life. You’re in the middle of the world’s deadliest war, without a voice.

In the last decade over 6 million people have died, leaving the more than 1,500 who then lose their lives daily. Over 1,100 women are raped every day just in Congo. Now compare that to the more than 600 here in the United States. Sexual violence in the Democratic Republic is more rampant than anywhere else in the entire world, used to intimidate, humiliate, and torture those affected. These figures alone don’t include men, fear, shame - causing it to be the most under reported violent crime known of; a weapon of war. There is no law against spousal sexual assault. A 16 year old soldier states “If we see girls, it’s our right…we can violate them.” In Congo, rape is normal. It is estimated that there are as many as 400,000 surviving victims still living in the Democratic Republic today.
To build peace we need reform. To reform you need power, service, gratitude, love, courage. Think of courage and think of the more than 1,000 children fighting, armed in war at the frontline of the battle with nothing but a whistle. Think of fighting for your life, the life you’ve been granted or choosing to surrender to those of higher superiority.  I dare you to question this thought process, try to wrap your mind around what’s so highly unfair, but bluntly honest.

Think about Falling Whistles. Think about those who did what they could with what they had. Think about hope.
Know you can make a difference. You can use your voice, your creativity, your passion, your drive. You have it all and the people of Congo… they need you.

Be a whistleblower for peace. Hold a stance of service and virtue. For every whistle you buy, your money spent will go entirely towards helping to rehabilitate 267 war- affected children in northeast Congo. Your purchase works to restore their lives.

“Hey, what’s that necklace you’re wearing? Why a whistle? What does it stand for?” Yes, believe it or not I get these questions… a lot. But isn’t it great? I love the conversations. The simplest response I’ve found is “Peace in Congo.” Really, everything Falling Whistles stands for is in those 3 words. Peace. In. Congo.

My story? Let’s be honest here: I was at the mall. You know, my home away from home and I found the whistles. The whistleblowers for peace. I bet we can all agree it’s not very often we find a whistle, attached to a chain, worn around your neck, but I thought it was the coolest thing ever, me being the vintage geek I am. I fell in love and I wanted one. Fast. Knowing nothing about them, I of course researched. The rest? Yeah, it was history and here I am today.
Hi. My name is Katie and I’m a whistleblower for peace.

For me, Falling Whistles is a stance against everything I fight for, everything I care about. Violence, war, abuse, discrimination: I hate it, but it’s here on our Earth today and I feel this is our chance for change, our time to speak up, and our time to choose what we want and really do something for it, about it. Never have I ever met a more genuine, caring, generous community as the Falling Whistles family. You know, you get real people and that itself speaks volumes high above the rest.
In all reality, this place cares. I care. Be the world you wish to see right? Whistleblowers fight! To be one, well, it’s even hard for me to explain because when you truly want something, respect something, love something; you do whatever it takes to see it receives its best. My heart is so big and open for the members, the volunteers, and the people behind the pretty, shiny whistle because here it feels like family.

For as long ago as I can remember I spent so much time looking and watching, wondering what I could do to put a bit of me into this big world. This is our planet and this is change. At Falling Whistles everything I wish to fix is mixed all in one. Get a bit of “buy one, get one free” with a whole lot of passion from the start! For me, this is organized and reliable. This is a place to share a whole lot of love with a whole lot of people. I wear my whistle every day, proud. I take in the questions, look for answers and I feel dedicated to just simply help.

To change the world, every single little thing matters.



Idol of the Week!

I honestly had a tough time thinking about this week's idol. But this week I came across a situation that I've been dealing with for a long time.  And just like this girl I've been through a lot of the things she's been through. So I picked Demi Lovato for my idol of the week.

Demi Lovato... what can I say about a strong, independent, free willed girl who has gone through so much, but still has a strong, gorgeous head on her shoulders. She is an inspiration to us all. Even if you haven't gone through anything major, she's still an idolize figure. Demi works with many charity organizations such as City of Hope, Kids Wish Network, A Day Made Better and she also is part of the Anti-Bullying organization. She speaks for us all when she says "Love is louder than the pressure to be perfect".
Anna .x

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Cookies & Milk - A Tutorial

Whether or not you have seen this before, I'm really loving the 2 tone/half & half eyeshadow look! I think it's one of those things you either love or hate, but for those who love it, here's how I got it:

Step 1: Make sure your face is clean!!! I can't stress this enough. Apply primer to your eyes from your lash line to your brow bone. I just use my Dermalogica Welcome Matte moisturizer...
Step 2: Apply cream colored eyeshadow (should be a couple tones lighter than your skin, like what you normally use to highlight your brow bone) to your eyelids. Example: Mac's Crystal Avalanche
Step 3: Take a fluffy crease brush & apply grey eyeshadow (example: Mac's Forgery) into your crease - only till halfway through! Using the same shadow & brush, pull color you just applied down to your lashline to fill in outer V. If this dosen't really make sense, fill the outer part of your eye with the grey where you see the black in the picture. Surprisingly enough I've been loving Aerie's cosmetic brushes!
Step 4: Using the same fluffy crease brush as step 3, lightly dust black (example: Mac's Black Tied)over the grey you just applied for added drama & depth. You can really add however much you want depending on how smoky you want your eyes to look.
Step 5: Apply lighter cream color (lighter than step 2) to your brow bone & inner corner of your eye.
Step 6: Apply your favorite eye liner to your upper lashes.
Step 7: apply your favorite mascara & you're done! I've been loving Mark's Scanda Lash mascara.

Nail Of The Day (NOTD)

I like to think of myself as a nail polish junkie, mostly because I don't like having something on my nails. I've really been into "crackle" polish which helped turn my newest polish gifted to me, feel a little more Halloween like. Base color (fuschia) is from Rue 21 in Grape & it really does smell like grape! (; Grey crackle is from Sally's Beauty Supply in Cracked Concrete. XO


Yes, today I attended church. I have to admit I think I wear this ruffly black & white polka dot skirt a little too often (purchased from Down East Basics) but some things just never get old. White ruffly sweater from Rue 21, plain red shirt also from Down East Basics, shoes from Selena Gomez's Dream Out Loud clothing line, necklace from Falling Whistles & 3 finger ring from Target.

P.S. As a heads up, all photos are taken either with my HP comp camera or my cell phone camera. Quality may not be amazing but it works, right? XO Katie

Friday, October 14, 2011

Beauty Mint

Style Mint, Jewel Mint... Sound familiar? It seems as if "mint" companies are taking over with an online female revolution & now Jessica Simpson has joined the mix with Beauty Mint! K, so I am signed up with the rest of the mint family, but really can't afford the money for the excess goods. Every email just sits in my inbox while I drool over everything I want, but I'm wayyyyyy excited about Beauty Mint, being a new concept in skin care! The site has yet to launch but as of now you can start earning rewards by getting the word out. Click here: to learn more. Just wanted to share(: XO

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Foundation Routine

Hey pretty ladies!(: Yes, I'm (Katie) finally here with an actual beauty post! Know I like to think of myself as a "drugstore queen" meaning over 95% of my makeup is indeed from the drugstore, but I have suffered with acne for a few tough years now, making my collection a bit unique.

We all want our makeup to look natural, right? Guys will fight the idea that any makeup in general is not natural, but in reality girls say natural makeup is a face made up, lowithout oking like it. If you have acne, scarring, anything really to break a "flawless finish" you know this isn't always easy. Perfection isn't possible, but here's a step towards the look we all want.

Step 1: Always, always, ALWAYS start with a clean face! Think of makeup as paint... your face the canvas. Nobody wants to start with something dirty or previously touched. I personally love Clearasil's Daily Clear Face Wash or Pore Cleansing Pads, followed by my addiction to Mark. cosmetics Mist Oppurtunity Multi-Tasking Refresher, then a dab of Dermalogica's Clean Start Welcome Matte spf15 moisturizer.

Notice picture above for following steps(;

Step 2: I use my Sonia Kashuk Synthetic Flat Top Multipurpose brush (picture 1) to stipple my Maybelline Dream Matte Mousse foundation (picture 2) into my skin. "Stipple" is simly a fancy term meaning to really buff your liquid concealer into your skin, causing a model like, air brush finish.
Step 3: I use my Hard Candy Glamoflauge Concealer (picture 3) & my Eco Tools Bamboo Foundation Brush (picture 4) to then lightly cover any "red toned skin" acne, scars, etc. Note: If stippled well enough (step 2) a ton of concealer shouldn't be necessary.
Step 4: Lightly dush (pat gently) powder foundation (picture 5) onto skin to set liquid makeup, or to mattify oily skin. If you're using a colored powder, opposed to translucent, you do not want to set or buff a ton onto skin because time will cause it to cake or clump together, turning you makeup into somewhat of a mask over your skin.

Because I do have very oily skin, I use a lot of sensitive, matte products, but there is a difference between oily & a natural dewy finish. You do want a tiny bit of shine to your cheek bones & T-Zone (forhead, nose & chin) to keep you from looking aged. If you find you applied to much matte product, simply spritz some of the Mark. cosmetics Mist Oppurtunity over your applied makeup.
For more tips visit The Beauty Department. XO

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Ask us anything.

Free Rice.

Hey guys it's Anna here. Today I was on Tumblr and this popped up... thought I could possibly spread the word:)
For every question you get right this organization will donate 10 grains of rice to starving countries. I already donated 400+. Can you beat me?
It's a really simple and easy way to donate. No money needed. Just a little bit of your time.
Anna .x

Monday, October 10, 2011


Heads up: Will be posting beauty entries soon! A bit behind, but we're still getting started. Bare with us(: XO

Song Of The Week - "You Should Know Better"

Andy Grammer ladies, Andy Grammer. Heard of him? I believe he's fairly new to the music scene, but I'm a bit hooked on his music. Plus, I figured the title fit appropriatly with my 1st entry on our Rosie Girl journal page. Check it(; XO Katie

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Idol of the Week

Its AnnaBanana:) So I've decided that I'm going to do an idol of the week. I have many idols (mostly famous people that I look up to) & I'd like to share them with you! Don't be afraid to leave comments! (: (:
Audrey Hepburn is my ultimate idol. She's defiantly a role model for all generations. Audrey is a classy, simple, natural beautiful woman. During her years she always tried to help out people that were less fortunate than her. She was a Goodwill Ambassador of UNICEF, she helped the impoverish children in the poorest nations. She is also a fabulous triple threat (singer, actress, dancer). One of my favorite movies that she was in would be either "Breakfast At Tiffany's" or "Roman Holiday". Both are romantic, but comical. She truly is a beautiful person inside and out.
-Anna .x

Friday, October 7, 2011

Song Of The Week - "Lightweight"

Story of my life? Yes. This song will be played at my wedding. And yes, you can see we're still introducing you to new things at Rosie Girl, like SOTW. Enjoy beauties. Xo Katie

Monday, October 3, 2011

OOTD: Katie

Hey ladies! First Outfit Of The Day post. Excited? (: As a heads up, you most likely will not see these every day because quite a bit of work does go into them, as far as the outfit, taking the pictures, editing & framing, but I will post as much as possible. Today I wore a loose, floral top from TJ Maxx, paired with a black blazer from Walmart. You can see a dark wash pair of jeggings from Playdoh's Closet, matched with black ballet flats detailed with small silver rhinestones. One of my favorite things to do & what I consider my style, is to pair something a tad rocker with something girly. I love floral prints, lace, jewels, dark colors, and animal print. To keep the slight edgy feel to this outfit, I added a small eagle ring on my middle finger, also from Walmart. As far as makeup, I chose a dark purple eyeshadow (I love dramatic eyes!) with a grey/black eyeshadow in the crease, focusing on the outer corner. I love, love, love my Mark cosmetics "Scanda Lash" mascara as well as my Physcians Formula mineral foundation. Let your eyes do the talking... keeping cheeks & lips natural. XO

Friday, September 30, 2011

"Seeing is decieving, dreaming is beliving."

The more you visit us, the more you'll understand that us Rosie Girl's have a serious dedication to music. We all love it. We all live it & while this may be yet another post from me, I couldn't help but mention it. "Who You Are" by somewhat new British singer Jesse J (she wrote "Party In The USA" for miss Miley Cyrus - most known for her hit song "Price Tag") speaks great height as to what she wishes to present music wise. This song has helped me through some rough times in my life alone. I absoulutely adore her, this song, & her lyrics. XO Katie

Thursday, September 29, 2011

All About Me :)

Yes, I do have a Harry Potter wand in my hands :)
Hey everyone! I'm Anna butt you can call me Anna Banana:) Lets see... stuff that you need to know about me. Well I love acting and singing. My dreams are to make it big in Hollywood and show the world what they're missing :) Like many creative actors I'm a very complex and complicated person. I can be loud when I want to be, but shy and quiet when things go wrong. Nobody really knows who I am (I don't even know yet) I'm a senior in high school and would love to go to UCLA or USC for college. I'm from WI and am ready to get out of this little shitty town that I live in. Oh and also I tend to have a sailor's mouth. So sorry for the random swearing that you might be seeing... But thats who I am, and even though I not a huge fan of myself, I wouldn't change the way I act. I obsessed with music, some of my favorite bands/singers right now are One Direction, The Script, Backstreet Boys (yes I keep it old school) :), A Rocket To the Moon, Parachute, Mac Miller, Drake, Wiz, Weezy, Miley, Demi, Mama Monster, We The Kings, Goo Goo Dolls, Coldplay... and SO MUCH MORE. Like I said, I'm obsessed with music. Being the creative person I tend to be, I also love beauty. If I wasn't in acting, I'd defiantly be going to school for beauty. I love doing other people's makeup. Just playing around with the different colors and textures. I also love fashion, which goes with beauty and such. My favorite beauty products that I really love right now are Maybeline mascara, and the FIT cover up that they have (It's friggen amazingballs) :) I really don't wear that much makeup. But what I really hate about my face right now is that I have these nasty ass red checks,  a lot of people like them, but personally they are so friggen annoying. So I tend to put on a lot of coverup when I go out so that the redness of my checks don't pop out. Anything else you want to knowww you can ask me on Twitter and Formspring:) Twitter:, Formspring:

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Introducing me.

Hi, I'm Katie(: I'm 17 years old and the founder of Rosie Girl.
I. Love. Everything beauty. Nuff said? Maybe not. I love big rings, nightlights, hoodies, mac and cheese, Victoria's Secret, jeggings, sunglasses, Ryan Gosling, bestfriends, creative writing, photography, paleontology, music (music is a must have), Demi Lovato, Emma Stone, stormy weather, and family.
I'm terrified of lightning, being alone, being alone in the dark, and spiders.
I hate vegetables, the smell of beer, cigarette smoke, overplayed pop music, and loud noise.
I have a 3 year old Schnauzer named Kona, who I adopted from the Humane Society.
My go-to outfit is an oversized sweater, leggings, and boots... with the occasional scarf.
Rings are my favorite piece of jewelry.
Eyeshadow is my favorite part of makeup.
My favorite movie is "The Notebook," but as a plus, I can't seem to get enough of "Easy A."
When I love, I love with everything I have. You can tell a lot about me by my favorite song and my life motto is, "Do unto others as you wish would be done unto you."

So now you know a bit about me. What about you? What do you want to see here at Rosie Girl? To the left, there's a link to our Formspring page - tell us there. Leave a comment below and help us get to know you.

Anna, Faith, and Lauryn, our other 3 confirmed guest bloggers, will be joining us here in the future. XO